Profile photo of Rachel R.

Rachel R.

Tuscaloosa, AL, USA


I apply as part of the the POV Call for Filmmakers to pitch short documentary projects on black-male achievement. I am a documentary filmmaker passionate about stories about people with tunnel vision so passionate they can think of nothing else as possible for their lives. I have filmed rappers, prisoners, painters, and patients with Alzheimers. Since the age of 15 when a high school teacher put a camera in my hands, I have been filming. I am most known for Nobody Knows My Name, the first documentary about women in hip hop, and for Freestyle the Art of Rhyme, which I filmed and co-edited, which aired on VH1. Currently, I teach production and have been making films with my students since 2009. Two projects filmed before my prof life inspire my pitches for PBS: The Path To Power: I Self-Devines Sounds of Low Class Amerika, a short about community activist, rapper, and aerosol artist Chaka Mkali who works developing power with kids in the inner city South neighborhoods in Minneapolis. And, an uncompleted documentary currently being worked into a web-based transmedia project, focused on the Stillwater Poetry filmed for 8 months inside of a mens prison in Stillwater, Minnesota.

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