Profile photo of David F.

David F.

New York, NY, USA

25 reviews

$500 - $800 / Day

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I am a digital video producer with experience and proficiency in everything from story development, videography, video editing, audio mixing and motion graphics. I am all around producer who can see projects through from conceptualization to final cut. I have produced, shot and edited content for Business Insider, Hearst Digital Media and currently for CNBC Digital. Within those companies I have worked on everything from feature length documentaries to shot form viral video content across multiple media platforms. Most recently, I had the pleasure of working on a 2019 Tribeca Film Festival short Film selection “Stanley Stellar” as colorist and motion graphics artist. My background is in observational documentary filming, and I am deeply passionate about beautiful visual storytelling and non-fiction media, no matter the platform. Please visit to see my full portfolio.

Top Services

Video Editor - Documentary
20 reviews
Motion Graphics Designer
4 reviews
Animator / Visual Effects Artist
1 review


Top Reviews

  • August • 2020

    David did a great job with minimal assets. He was only provided a Zoom recording. David researched and collected found footage and stills and made something amazing. Nice Work!

    Jimmy at Hearst Digital Media

Top Projects



  • 4K Camera

All Services

Production Support

  • News Shooter / Video Journalist
  • Documentary DP

Post Production

  • Colorist
  • Video Editor - Documentary
  • Sound Mixer
  • Motion Graphics Designer
  • Animator / Visual Effects Artist


  • Senior Producer / Project Manager