Simeon T.
Lima Region, Peru
$300 - $1500
2 reviewsI am a widely-published print journalist covering Latin America now looking to expand my broadcast and video repertoire. My reporting on subjects as varied as climate change, corruption and cuisine has been published in the Washington Post, Telegraph, Times, Independent, Foreign Policy, and Guardian, and on NPR. I have been interviewed on air multiple times by the BBC, CNN and NPR. I have produced and reported online videos, all with GlobalPost, which you can see lower down. In each case, I proposed the idea, researched it and wrote the script. And I wrote and presented the 2020 Audible docuseries El Impenetrable, about an environmental murder mystery in Argentina's Chaco tropical dry forest. I have been based in Latin America for more than a decade and am fully bilingual in English and Spanish. I have a long track record of breaking original print features, and would welcome the chance to do something similar with video or TV.
- Field Producer
- Fixer
- TV News Producer
- Reporter / Journalist
- Editorial Photographer / Photojournalist
- On-Air Reporter / Host
- Documentary DP
- Video Editor - Documentary
- Production Assistant
- Executive Producer
- Line Producer / On-Location
- News Shooter / Video Journalist