November • 2024
It was an outstanding experience to work with George, definitely i will work with him again.
Kampala, Uganda
11 reviews$400 - $1000 / Day
Request QuoteMy name is George Stanley Nsamba a documentary DP and Photographer who came to a realization that no 2 people tell the same story the same way and its that curiosity that has driven me to becoming a nomad for stories over the African continent for the past 10 years. I have recently worked with World Vision Uganda, Mastercard Foundation, UNICEF Uganda, KNVC Nigeria, Medicine For Humanity Zambia, Gavi The Vaccine Alliance, Euro News, BBC, GIZ Uganda, Ministry Of Health Uganda, PELUM Uganda, National Forest Authority, Surge For Water, Visual AIDS USA, World Heart Federation among others I leverage my storytelling skills to create social impact stories for organizations and corporate companies. No story is too far to reach and likewise no single person that matters to your story is too hard to find, your story,my mission, let work it out
November • 2024
It was an outstanding experience to work with George, definitely i will work with him again.
March • 2023
George was wonderful to work with. Diligent and keen to make the best video possible
Produced for Visual Aids
Finding Purpose (2020), is a film about a filmmaker George Stanley Nsamba reflecting on his experience producing a film about teens born HIV positive in Uganda and he pervasive and discriminatory stigmas that cling to that status.
Produced for HelpFilm
Produced for World Vision International
Produced for Euronews
Meet the Ugandan woman who cooked up a feast for homeless children during ramadan
Produced for Euronews
SCENES shines a spotlight on youth around the world that are breaking down barriers and creating change. The character-driven short films will inspire and amaze, as these young change-makers tell their remarkable stories. Meet the young Ugandan dance group taking the world by storm
Produced for Gavi
If the hamlets on the remote slopes of Mukungu, south west Uganda, or on the islands of Lake Mutanda have decent immunisation rates, its only because the health workers of Bukimbiri Health Centre III go to extraordinary lengths to reach them every month. Washed out rainy season or wind-whipped dry spell, nurse Michelline Uwimana can be found boarding boats, side-saddling on motorbikes, and hiking hours from village to village, vaccine cooler and patient ledgers in hand, determined to make immunisation accessible to every last kid.
Production Support
Post Production