Profile photo of Christopher J.

Christopher J.

Los Angeles, CA, USA

$400 - $750 / Day

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I’m a filmmaker with a deep investment in telling stories that explore pressing social and environmental injustices. In dealing with complicated topics like religious nationalism, plastic pollution, or suicide prevention, my primary motivation is to translate complex information into actionable knowledge that empowers viewers. I’ve served as assistant editor to Academy Award-winning documentarian Freida Lee Mock on her features Ruth and The Choir and Conductor and associate editor on Suzanne Joe Kai’s Like a Rolling Stone: The Life and Times of Ben Fong-Torres. In 2019 I co-wrote and edited Wake Up: Stories from the Frontlines of Suicide Prevention. I’m currently on the festival circuit with my directorial debut, Bad Faith: Christian Nationalism’s Unholy War on Democracy. I received my BA in Film Studies from UC Berkeley and my MFA in Film and TV Production from Loyola Marymount University.

Top Services

Video Editor - Documentary
Non-Fiction Film Director
Line Producer / On-Location

Top Projects

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Production Support

  • Non-Fiction Film Director
  • Line Producer / On-Location

Post Production

  • Video Editor - Documentary