The Way of the Performer
Produced for The National Gallery Of Poland - webdoc about a charismatic personality and the first performance artist in Poland and the secrets of the art.
- Video Editor - Documentary
Warsaw, Poland
$100 - $400 / Day
Request QuoteExperienced film editor. Works also as writer. Jan is a fimmaker with artistic and scientific background. Anthropologist (book „The Art of Action”), visual artist (Media Art Department, Poznan) and art historian (Polish Academy of Science). Works also as writer and scriptdoctor. Edited many awarded documentaries (European Film Award Nomination, IDFA, Tampere Film Festival and others). Loves challenges, wit and soul expanding projects.
Produced for The National Gallery Of Poland - webdoc about a charismatic personality and the first performance artist in Poland and the secrets of the art.
HBO documentary about the founder moguls of Hollywood that came from Poland. *** It has been no secret that Hollywood was created by Polish Jews. A contemporary director from Poland is following in their footsteps, trying to pursue his own American Dream. It is a self-referential road movie in which we visit shtetls of the past and Hollywood boulevards; it is also a documentary comedy in which supporting roles are played by the famous (like Steven Spielberg) and the notorious (Harvey Weinstein). The documentary focuses on the pursuit of dreams, which has always driven the film industry. But how to come up with a recipe for success?
*European Film Award Nominee * * * Guy Ritchie meets National Geographic, in this balls-to-the-wall look at flashy gangsters with a thing for fighting goldfish. Cash, a car and a mobile phone... as well as fish. A group of tough men from near Warsaw organize a new form of entertainment. Their customary meetings over alcohol and drugs start to include fights between aggressive aquarium fish, which are, of course, accompanied by bets for large sums of money. Such is the extent of this hobby that one of the characters hopes that his champion will contribute significantly to the purchase of a new Subaru. "It almost sounds like fiction: tough young men who drive fast cars and hold fighting matches to the death between aggressive goldfish. With its great cinematic style, Glass Trap makes you think of a "Godfather" spin off. The film has something sinister about it, but because of the fascination of goldfish also something innocent and surreal" - Catalogue IDFA Amsterdam —True/False Film Festival, Brooklyn FF, IDFA FF
Produced for HBO
[as assistant director and editing consultant] Over a century ago, such people as Sam Goldwyn, Louis B. Mayer, or the Warner brothers left Polish shtetls and became moguls after numerous adventures and hardships they had to face on their way.
Post Production