Profile photo of Reece D.

Reece D.

Littleton, Winchester, UK


I'm a freelance filmmaker who has worked with the BBC, Apple, HSBC, UK Arts Council, Barclays, Absolute Radio and many more. I love to shoot anything from independent artists to town and city scenes always trying to find the small story within the bigger picture. My work takes me around the UK and the world and after working for the BBC for 9 years, I know a good story when I pass by it - indeed, I love hunting down a unique angle of a seemingly straightforward tale. At heart I'm a storyteller and my tools are my cameras (Sony EX3 & 5D MK2) and my ability to shoot fast and edit quicker to get content online and broadcast (BBC World, Online and Technology) often within a few hours of shooting. I'm able to travel all over the UK to bring you unique local stories form the small scale to ones that effect the rest of the world - the butterfly effect ;0) So, that's me - hope we can work together soon! Reece

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  • Documentary DP