August • 2022
Orly is efficient, and communication was smooth throughout the translating process.
Jerusalem, Israel
4 reviews$350 - $500 / Day
Request QuoteOrly Halpern is a journalist and producer based in Jerusalem, Israel. Orly Halpern grew up in Orange County, California and Tucson, Arizona. A visit to the Middle East as a teenager enticed her to return as an adult. Since moving to Jerusalem and becoming a journalist, her reporting has focused on the Arab-Israeli conflict. But in 2003 she traveled by a string of taxis to Baghdad where she spent a year living in and reporting from Iraq, serving as Baghdad correspondent of Canada's Globe and Mail. (During that time she and a colleague were kidnapped by insurgents near Falluja, but thanks to her knowledge of Arabic and her familiarity with Arab culture she was able to talk their way free.) Since then she has traveled across the Arab and Muslim world to learn and report on its people and politics. Today Ms. Halpern continues to report from the region as a freelance journalist. Her reports have appeared in many newspapers and magazines and on radio and television. The outlets include TIME magazine, France24, EuroNews, CBC Canada, The Washington Post, US News and World Report, Ha’aretz, McClatchy Newspapers and others. During the recent Fourth Gaza War (5/2021) she produced for CTV News and reported for TIME magazine. She has reported from the Muslim world, including the Palestinian Territories, Iraq, Egypt, Afghanistan, Qatar, Bahrain, Turkey and Jordan, and from Africa, including Rwanda, Ethiopia, Tunisia and Ghana.
August • 2022
Orly is efficient, and communication was smooth throughout the translating process.
Produced for AJPlus
Produced for AJPlus
Produced for AJPlus
Produced for AJPlus
Produced for RTÉ
Reporting as tension built up between Israel and Iran and fear rose of war.
Exclusive interview with leader of Islamist party in Israel
Production Support
Post Production