Profile photo of Sarah U.

Sarah U.

Los Angeles County, CA, USA

$400 - $1000 / Day


Sarah Ullman is a filmmaker and activist. She is the co-founder of One Vote At A Time, a team of female filmmakers fighting for progressive causes. She directed the group's first film called "Mary's Story," to advocate for a background checks for gun purchases ballot initiative (it passed!). She is an active livestreamer, focused on protests, events, and town halls with elected officials. Sarah's livestream of Senator Harris's first town hall garnered over 123K views. Most recently, she directed and co-produced videos about gun violence for Joss Whedon’s progressive SuperPAC, Save The Day. She also directed the political comedy video #DoYourJob, which garnered 11M views and 190K shares. Sully earns her daily bread as a producer and creative consultant for companies and organizations like Nestle, Purina, Nickelodeon, Superfly, Reach Agency, SoulPancake, JASH, and The Media Impact Project.

Top Services

Reporter / Journalist
Creative Director
Mobile Journalist / Livestreamer

Top Projects



  • DSLR Camera


  • Stabilizer

All Services

Production Support

  • Mobile Journalist / Livestreamer
  • Reporter / Journalist
  • On-Air Reporter / Host


  • Creative Director