August • 2019
Stephen is fearless in getting into the middle of the action
Bangkok, Thailand
13 reviews$350 - $1000 / Day
Request Quote(Currently - Hong Kong) Bangkok, Thailand based video journalist Stephen Boitano has over 20 years of experience in Photo and videojournalism and the news industry. He has been shooting protests in Hong Kong and elections in Taiwan. He has extensive drone piloting experience and can provide 4k video. In the past he covered the 2004 Boxing Day earthquake and tsunami in Indonesia and Thailand and has worked with relief agencies in Kosovo in 1999 after the war. In 2012 -2013 he worked at the Zaatari Refugee camp in Jordan before traveling to Aleppo, Syria and embedding with the Free Syrian Army for two and a half months.
August • 2019
Stephen is fearless in getting into the middle of the action
August • 2019
Great video, delivered promptly, and without any problems
August • 2019
Very good shooter, easy to work with
Produced for The Economist
Researched and shot video during the recent Thai protests which led to a coup.
I shot video and interview at the Thai border in Thailand and in Cambodia of refugees fleeing Thailand back to Cambodia.
Researched the political situation and shot newworthy video during the 2013-2014 protests in Bangkok, Thailand which led to a coup.
Produced for AJPlus
Are you guilty of texting while walking? Cellphone lanes at a university in Thailand attempt to prevent pedestrian collisions.
Produced for AJPlus
Bangkok's Kasetsart University has set up a "mobile phone lane" for pedestrians to help students from bumping into smartphone users on their way to class. The initiative, proposed by KU students and sponsored by Toyota Thailand, has been implemented on a trial basis.
Produced for Voice of America
Production Support
Post Production