Dusan Gajic - an experienced journalist and film maker. The focus of attention of his documentaries has been mainly on the Balkan topics and its links with wider European context. He has produced and directed a number of documentary films in various formats.. In addressing sometimes difficult questions inherited from the past conflicts, Dusan tries to tackle them from the new, fresh angles, to challenge prejudice. (for the list of productions check http://www.seetv-exchanges.com/documentary/overview-of-documentaries.844.html)
Dusan Gajic has founded SEETV (South East Europe TV Exchanges), an audiovisual production company based in Brussels, Belgium. SEETV provides mainly Balkan televisions with news footage and reports covering EU affairs. Dusan is in charge of the concept and content of SEETV web distribution platform: www.seetv-exchanges.com
Dusan is also European correspondent for RTS, Public Broadcaster of Serbia, producing regularly
news reports, feature reports and live inserts