Alejandra is a journalist and an empirical photographer, although more the latter than the former. For more than ten years she worked at SoHo, one of the most important magazine in Colombia, seven of them as the photo editor. She used to run a section called “A serious man grimaces and take a joke” in which she has portrayed national life characters such as former President César Gaviria and congressmen Jorge Enrique Robledo and Piedad Cordoba.
Today she is focused in her own photograpic proyects and at the same time creating a storytelling studio with some partners in Bogotá. Among the first are her series on albinos, OVEREXPOSED VOL 1, 2, and 3 which have been exposed in Valenzuela Klenner (2011),at The Feria del Millón (2013), 360 Gallery (2014), and “la Cometa” Gallery” (2015).
On the other hand, she has worked for many clients as Olga Piedrahita (designer), Pepa Pombo (designer), InFashion Magazine, Magazine Arcadia, Fucsia Magazine, Telefónica, Global Humanitarian, Diageo,
Express Jhonnie Walker Brand, Protex, among others.