Worked alone with the children at an ecological farm with their parents, a dog, forur cats, 50 sheeps and a hundred chickens. Sendt at TV2 Sumo, Commisioned by Egmont/Norsk Film through Drive Studios in Copenhagen
- Documentary DP
Oslo, Norway
$400 - $3000 / Day
Request QuoteDirector Videophotographer Editor Worked 16 years in NRK Both Fiction, Documentary and Music Videos If needed Torgrim has own camera (SonyA7R3 wit audio and lights)
Worked alone with the children at an ecological farm with their parents, a dog, forur cats, 50 sheeps and a hundred chickens. Sendt at TV2 Sumo, Commisioned by Egmont/Norsk Film through Drive Studios in Copenhagen
Produced for Norwegian broadcasting corporation
Not my latest work, but on that I am most known for. A big event that got a lot of attention in connection with the constitutional law 200 years jubelee.
Produced for Norwegian broadcasting corporation
Worked alone with children at hospitals and their family.
Production Support