For more than twelve years, I have been working independently in developing countries as a photo and video journalist as well as a communication consultant for NGOs.
Since 2017, I work mostly in Africa where I lead multimedia projects and produce compelling stories for UN agencies and other organisations. My work focuses on development and humanitarian crisis with a specialization on PVE and women and girl’s programmes in Sahel region but also on health and environmental issues.
Prior that, I was based in Southeast Asia (Myanmar and Thailand) from 2011 to 2016 where I have covered the transition of Myanmar. I have produced a number of news and features reports for French and International TV in the whole Southeast Asia region and I have also realized multimedia projects for NGOs including, UNDP, UNICEF, The Global Fund, WWF.
I am also a video journalist trainer with a significant experience in Myanmar for Canal France International (CFI), the Myanmar Journalism Institute and The Fondation Hirondelle.