Profile photo of Lucas L.

Lucas L.

São Paulo, State of São Paulo, Brazil

$150 - $300 / Day

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I love stories and I love the people who have a great one to tell. But is hard to explain so I prefer to talk about the short documentary I will shoot in june. Me and a very small team are going to travel to some small cities in my state to film old guys that live in bars,we see that as a cultural thing here. In our research we discovery that most of tham like to talk about love stores and give advices, so we are talking about that. the documentary is named "good advice`' and show this ma ( and woman) talking about there life. I think this explain I like to hunt for the normal people, the every day people and they great histories. About my life I think that is very important for my documentarist head, that Im graduated in history before working with video, and this gave me a different perspective about culture and about research to. Thank you for the attention, Cheers, Lucas Lespier

Top Services

Documentary DP
Video Editor - News
Immersive/Spatial Video Capture

Top Projects



  • Action Camera
  • Drone Camera
  • DSLR Camera


  • Directional Microphone
  • Lavalier Microphone


  • External Recorder
  • Shoulder Rig

All Services

Production Support

  • Documentary DP

Post Production

  • Video Editor - News
  • Video Editor - Documentary
  • Video Editor - Commercial