Profile photo of Dheeraj J.

Dheeraj J.

New Delhi, Delhi, India


I am an Individual who believes to create. I prefer making examples then following others, but leaning from other is also a something i truly value. Completed my Graduation and Masters Degree in Mass communication and film making, since then learning while working in the industry. I Love shooting nice mise-en-scene, try my best to make every frame of my film as much cinematic as i can. I feel that film is a visual medium supported by audio, so every film should be a visual treat, but not to compromise with what it meant to communicate. I am joining you so i can do some short films with you and then re edit and can use them to pitch for longer films. If you see my work that will speak more about me. Thanks Wanted to share these two films as well (Directed and Videographer) IRRAD Water Film - Overview Film

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  • Documentary DP