February • 2019
Lena is a pleasure to work with. She is professional, creative and has a great work ethic. She has a good feel for image narrative and works well under pressure.
Berlin, Germany
1 review$540 - $567 / Day
Request QuoteI am Lena Hatebur, working passionately as a video editor since 1998. I did my Bachelor of Arts in Berlin before professional studies at the well-known film school "Konrad Wolf" in Potsdam-Babelsberg, specializing in film editing. I have been working as a freelancer editor ever since graduating with distinctions in 2013. My work has been shown internationally at film festivals and received multiple awards. Being a musician shows through in my detailed attention to rhythm and content while editing.
February • 2019
Lena is a pleasure to work with. She is professional, creative and has a great work ethic. She has a good feel for image narrative and works well under pressure.
Völlig anders, als wir es gewohnt sind, wohnen die Bewohner einer Roma-Siedlung in der rumänischen Provinz. Die Menschen versuchen hier isoliert von technischem Fortschritt ihr Leben nur von dem zu bestreiten, was die Natur ihnen bietet.
Elderly people in Miami living in a residence of luxury with the amenities of high class entertainment and daily happy hour.
One afternoon Dan is brutally jumped and accosted by a gang in his neighborhood. The leader of Dans crew demands that he murder his punisher and earn his official "membership" into the crew: a teardrop tattoo under his eye.
Produced for Maffick LLC
Production Support
Post Production