Profile photo of Mahala G.

Mahala G.

New York, NY, USA

$500 - $1500 / Day

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Mahala is a director and producer with Courageous Studios, the brand studio for CNN. Previously she was a video journalist working at the Denver Post from 2010-2015. In that time she had the opportunity to grow with the newspaper’s developing video department, from working on daily video and breaking news to producing both short and feature length documentaries exploring themes and issues integral to the Denver and Colorado community. Her work has been recognized by Picture of the Year International, the Heartland Chapter Emmy Awards, and the National Edward R. Murrow Awards. In 2013, she was a member of the Denver Post staff awarded a Pulitzer Prize for breaking news coverage of the Aurora Theater shooting.

Top Services

News Shooter / Video Journalist
Non-Fiction Film Director
Editorial Photographer / Photojournalist


Top Projects



  • DSLR Camera


  • Directional Microphone
  • Lavalier Microphone


  • External Recorder

All Services

Production Support

  • Editorial Photographer / Photojournalist
  • News Shooter / Video Journalist
  • Non-Fiction Film Director
  • Field Producer