December • 2023
Great working with you, Mia
Beirut, Lebanon
59 reviews$400 - $750 / Day
Request QuoteMia Alberti is a multimedia freelance reporter with a strong focus on Europe and Latin America. Currently working between São Paulo and Lisbon, Mia has covered some of the most important news stories in the last years, from the Venezuelan migrant crisis, the Amazon fires, violence against indigenous people, Brexit, terrorist attacks in Europe and the covid-19 pandemic.
December • 2023
Great working with you, Mia
Produced for TRT World News
Officials in Colombia are preparing to send 600 tonnes of aid into Venezuela despite President Nicolas Maduro's warnings that he won't allow it across the border. Desperation for food and medicine has already forced thousands of Venezuelans to flee the country. Maduro has already closed his country's border with Colombia, and has threatened to repeat the same with Brazil. Mia Alberti reports such actions would not help the ordinary Venezuelans.
Produced for TRT World News
The borders between Venezuela and Colombia were closed but thousands must keep crossing it for the survival of their own and themselves. Mia Alberti follows a family crossing the border searching for food and medicine, and the men helping them do the treacherous crossing.
Produced for TRT World News
The contaminated mud from the collapsed dam in Brazil is moving closer to communities and rivers. Authorities are warning the disaster could become Brazil's biggest environmental catastrophe. Mia Alberti reports from Brumadinho.
Produced for TRT World News
More than three days after a dam collapsed in Brazil, there are still almost 300 people missing. 65 are now confirmed dead. An investigation is underway into why the dam burst, almost burying a mining town and causing extensive environmental damage. Mia Alberti reports from the scene of the disaster.
Produced for TRT World News
In Brazil, five people have been arrested, three of whom are employees of the mining company, Vale, which is co-operating with the investigation into why one of its dams collapsed on Friday, killing at least 84 people. More than 200 are still missing, and while the economic and environmental cost will take time to assess, the human cost is the biggest price. Mia Alberti reports from the scene.
Three months since Portugal began its longest lockdown yet, many children are still struggling to keep up with online school. Portugal has one of the lowest rates of computer and internet access in the European Union (EU). This NGO is fighting to change that.
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