Profile photo of Ambrus H.

Ambrus H.

Boston, MA, USA

$500 - $800 / Day

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Ambrus Hernadi comes from Budapest, Hungary. He obtained his MA degree in Film Studies and then worked for seven years as Camera Assistant next to many renowned directors and cinematographers such as Roger Deakins, Adam Arkapaw, Dante Spinotti or Robert D. Yeoman. Besides working in the field his socially sensitive nature led him making documentary shorts mostly for online journals and NGOs. Assisting others’ ideas and visions led his own creative impulses began to grow exponentially. He decided to move abroad and study again. He graduated in 2019 at The New School's Documentary Studies class in New York. His thesis short documentary, Pat’s Boys was screened at the DOCNYC in 2019. His main interest is to tell personal stories of people whose modes of self-expression are absorbed in a genuine atmosphere. Throughout this kind of examination, Ambrus thrives to blend the theoretical knowledge of filmmaking and narrative techniques with the practical skills he had gained working behind the camera. He is now working on his first feature-length documentary, the Caretaker while mostly working as a cinematographer in documentary projects.

Top Services

Documentary DP
News Shooter / Video Journalist
Video Editor - Documentary


Top Projects

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Production Support

  • Documentary DP
  • Non-Fiction Film Director
  • News Shooter / Video Journalist
  • Corporate Videographer

Post Production

  • Video Editor - Documentary