Profile photo of Tetiana K.

Tetiana K.

New York, NY, USA

$250 - $750 / Day

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Tania Khodakivska is an award-winning filmmaker based in New York City. Her body of work includes feature films and documentary. Tania's filmography includes films premiered at Cannes Film Festival and European Submissions for the Academy Award for the Best Foreign Film category. Main awards include the Gold Plaque at the Chicago International Film Festival and the Silver Screen at the US International Film and Video Festival. Artistic vision and story lines that hold the audience's attention define Tatiana Khodakivska's unique style, which attracts commercial success as well as recognition in renowned international festivals.

Top Services

Video Editor - Documentary
Non-Fiction Film Director
Documentary DP

Top Projects

All Services

Production Support

  • Documentary DP
  • Non-Fiction Film Director
  • News Shooter / Video Journalist
  • Mobile Journalist / Livestreamer
  • Reporter / Journalist
  • Production Assistant

Post Production

  • Video Editor - Documentary


  • Fixer