Profile photo of Elijah K.

Elijah K.

Nairobi, Kenya

$500 - $1000 / Day

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My name is Elijah Kanyi, a Filmmaker. Born and bred in Mathare Slum, one of the biggest slums in East Africa, I have learnt many life lessons and witnessed so many injustices. Being born in a slum is like being born in the wild; life there is a classic case of survival for the fittest. I have seen it all. One of the best things i have gotten from Mathare are good friends who have helped raise my life's standards, reminded me of my essential purpose and challenged me to be the best version of myself. I am who i am today because they give me the courage and confidence to tell their stories through the lens- a cameraman. My biggest motivation for taking this line of work came from what the media aired about Mathare. There were many stories to be told but the slum residents did not trust the reporters because they were strangers to them. As a resident of Mathare Slum, it is easier for me to source for stories ranging from corruption in the constituency development fund to robbery and police brutality. I have gained the trust of the residents and they call upon me to air their grievances and hardships.

Top Services

Documentary DP
News Shooter / Video Journalist
Production Company


Top Projects



  • Lavalier Microphone

All Services

Production Support

  • Documentary DP
  • News Shooter / Video Journalist
  • Field Producer
  • TV News Producer


  • Production Company
  • Fixer
  • Senior Producer / Project Manager