Profile photo of Felix B.

Felix B.

94250 Gentilly, France

$700 - $1000 / Day

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Hi, I'm a reporter, and have worked mostly for TV. Born in 1984. I'm also a dual citizen of France and the U.S., and therefore bilingual French / English.<p>I graduated in 2010 (Sciences Po School of Journalism in Paris) and I've worked since then in radio (French national network Europe 1) and TV (for a 24-hour news network called LCI, as well as a production company specializing in features called Camicas Productions, and most recently for a program called "Le Supplément" on Canal +).</p><p>I did a camera training at the end of last year in Paris at the École des Gobelins, which is worldwide famous for graphic design especially, and is very good in all fields regarding images.</p><p>Lastly, I hold a B.A. in History from the Sorbonne. That's it for me, let's talk !</p>

Top Services

Video Editor - News
Video Editor - Documentary

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Production Support

  • Editorial Photographer / Photojournalist
  • On-Air Reporter / Host
  • Reporter / Journalist

Post Production

  • Video Editor - News
  • Video Editor - Documentary
  • Video Editor - Commercial


  • Fixer