Semillas Quedan
- Production Company
Buenos Aires, Argentina
1 review$200 - $700 / Day
Request QuoteVacaBonsai Colectivo Audiovisual is a community audiovisual production company that was born in 2008 from a student and community project of fiction feature film. It currently has its headquarters in the Casona Cultural Humahuaca, a cultural center in the Abasto neighborhood, in the City of Buenos Aires. One of the main premises of the collective is working in collaboration with other people, groups, organizations and collectives, with the aim of expanding and diversifying the voices and perspectives, the territories and experiences. For more than 10 years, we have been producing and directing documentaries, animations and fiction. We work in multiple formats: feature films, short films, series, spots, video clips, audiovisual campaigns, graphic campaigns.
Produced for AJPlus
Esta es la historia de Rogelio Fermín, del pueblo mapuche, uno del pueblos originarios màs al sur de Sudamérica. Vive en la comunidad de Vuelta del Río, donde proliferan los negocios con la tierra, ya sea con emprendimientos agropecuarios, proyectos turìsticos o propiedades privadas. Rogelio reivindica su cosmovisiòn ancestral a través de su forma de vida, basada en la relación con la tierra.
Production Support
Post Production