Profile photo of Drew R.

Drew R.

Cedar Springs, MI 49319, USA

$650 - $800 / Day

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Video storytelling within a marketing context is that sweet spot where story is so much more than art – it’s a form of compassion and empathy. Story is what moves people to action, whether it’s to bring people to your website, motivate a donation or sale, or help your customer fall in love with your brand. The stories I want to tell are stories that serve a purpose – that understand the heart of your target audience. What is it that leads your audience to believe in your product or mission? What do they care about? What motivates someone very different than me? It’s story that brings a brand to life. ​ I’ve worked with a wide array of brands, organizations, and artists to bring their purpose and mission to life. To do this well, it’s important to start with parameters – an understanding of the target audience. My favorite projects let me spend some time with the people served by your product/content so that I can tell the story through their eyes. I love working with research and creative teams. Give me parameters or a goal. I can take that and run with it on my own – or we can sit down and plan things together.

Top Services

Documentary DP
Non-Fiction Film Director
Creative Director


Top Projects



  • 4K Camera

All Services

Production Support

  • Documentary DP
  • Non-Fiction Film Director
  • News Shooter / Video Journalist


  • Production Company
  • Creative Director