Produced for Human Rights Watch
Disability Rights in Lebanon
A piece about the inspiring kids and families fighting to get their kids in school despite massive hurdles!
- Documentary DP
- Video Editor - Documentary
- Field Producer
Beirut Governorate, Beirut, Lebanon
1 review$500 - $700 / Day
Request QuoteBased between Beirut and New York, my expertise is human rights and storytelling. I find stories of strength and resilience in the midst of extraordinary circumstances. I shoot, produce and edit as a one-man-band. Was formerly with HRW for 5 years as a video producer, now work for HRW, Amnesty International and OSF.
Produced for Human Rights Watch
A piece about the inspiring kids and families fighting to get their kids in school despite massive hurdles!
Produced for Human Rights Watch
This couple shows us why there's no room for discrimination in the foster care and adoption systems.
Produced for Human Rights Watch
When all of our planned shoot fell through, we pulled together this shoot last minute!
Produced for Human Rights Watch
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people living in the Middle East and North Africa share their responses to myths and stereotypes about LGBT people in the region on a new video and special feature released today by the Arab Foundation for Freedoms and Equality (AFE) and Human Rights Watch.
I edited this video for Amnesty International about abuses by the YPG in Northern Syria against Arab and Turkmen villages following the coalition strikes against ISIS targets in the area.
Produced for Amnesty International
Syrian women were leaders in the 2011 revolution, bore the consequences of war, and must be meaningful participants in any future peace talks.
Production Support
Post Production