Produced for Voice of America
TV reporter for Voice of America Bangla Service
Investigation Reporting
- On-Air Reporter / Host
New York, NY, USA
2 reviews$400 - $1200 / Day
Request QuoteI’m originally from Bangladesh. I have been in the United States about six years.I am an enterprising, enthusiastic, and experienced journalism professional who enjoys fast-paced and dynamic workplaces. My 18+ years of combined experience inthe broadcasting and digital journalism spaces have prepared me to continually take on new and more complex challenges with additional responsibilities and interesting stories to tell. My background showcases my expertise in the fields of Television. Such as Presentation, Reporting, News Room Leading, Editing, and Production. Last I was working TBN24 Television for five years from October 2014 to December 2019 as a Chief News Editor and Presenter in Chief. This is online Bangla community Television base in New York. Also I was working Independent Television, ( Dhaka, Bangladesh) , Channel One, Bangladeshi First 24 hours News Channel CSB, Bangladesh Television-BTV. In addition I worked in FM Radio station. Furthermore I worked part time in Print Media as a contributor. I graduated with a Masters degree in International Relations from University of Dhaka Bangladesh in 2006. Recently I completed Audio Essentials Bootcamp workshop from Columbia Journalism School at Columbia University NY. Also I completed Professional Education in Visual and Social Media Storytelling from Craig Newmark Graduate School of Journalism at CUNY. In addition I completed workshop about,* Digital Media: Verification Tools, * Create Compelling Data Journalism Visualizations from The Association of Foreign Correspondents in the USA.My peers, clients and business partners alike recognize me as an effective communicator, relationship builder and leader.
Produced for Voice of America
Investigation Reporting
Produced for TBN24 Television
Inauguration Security
Produced for TBN24 Television
Joe Biden Inauguration
Produced for TBN24 Television
21 February International Mother Language Program
Produced for TBN24 Television
6 January ( Trump Supporters Protest)
Produced for TBN24 Television
6 January protest
Production Support
Post Production