Profile photo of Eleanor C.

Eleanor C.

Holloway, London N7 6PG, UK

$500 - $1000 / Day

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Eleanor has been producing documentary films and photo stories for over ten years. With a background in documentary, investigative and creative filmmaking and photography, the projects that she has worked on have taken her across the UK and the world, in many cases, working in challenging environments. Eleanor works on a variety of projects, both documentary and commercial, with a particular interest in stories that focus on nature, society, environment, human rights, migration and supply chains.

Top Services

Video Editor - News
Documentary DP
News Shooter / Video Journalist

Top Projects



  • Action Camera
  • DSLR Camera


  • Directional Microphone
  • Lavalier Microphone


  • External Recorder
  • Shoulder Rig
  • Slider

All Services

Production Support

  • Documentary DP
  • News Shooter / Video Journalist
  • Commercial DP
  • Editorial Photographer / Photojournalist

Post Production

  • Video Editor - News
  • Video Editor - Documentary
  • Video Editor - Commercial


  • Translator