El pulmón del café
A documentary about the reallity of coffee.
- Documentary DP
- Video Editor - Documentary
Barcelona, Spain
$200 - $500 / Day
Request QuoteJero Cerezo is a multidisciplinary creative, based in Barcelona. He works with photography and cinematography, he also carries out projects in editing, motion graphics and post-production. He studied cinematography at the ECIB Cinema School of Barcelona with a specialization in photography. He has a long history in still and artistic photography and other different projects. He completed a master in Motion Design at BAU University. Currently, he combines all of these jobs in advertising, music videos, commercials, documentaries and brand companies.
A documentary about the reallity of coffee.
Produced for Deviant Bikes
A video for shop promotion
A documentary of live
A project recorded for the University of Tarragono in a very interesting project of the creation of bioplastioc through coffee grounds
Dance film
One trainning day with a profesional climber.
Production Support
Post Production