Inspiration towards sustainable water management
We are in a serious crisis and change is needed to avoid a catastrophe. In 2015, the UN compiled 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and 169 targets as a utopian vision of a world where humanity can live sustainably. The SDGs were signed by 193 countries and aimed to be achieved by 2030, with more work to be done!
The SDGs are a tool for governments to develop regulatory and support systems that both globally and locally reinforce the efforts towards sustainability, and upscale good practices to regional and global level.
This modern crisis is of course not the first which humanity has gone through. Throughout history we can see the reoccurrence of such crises, when critical paradigm shifts and regime changes were needed to evolve beyond them. In such times the grass-roots movement of Intentional Communities has often played an intensified role experimenting and finding solutions. Small groups of people who perceive the crisis early separate from the rest of the population and break away from the mainstream into communities. Members in these Intentional Communities worked to bring about the changes needed for human survival & renewal, first within their own community but also as models for all of humanity.
After the 1960s, some of the first to sense the looming environmental crises started formulating new types of Intentional Communities, that focus on creating & redefining sustainability through their activities. One of the most successful and long lasting Intentional Communities was founded in South India in 1968 - Auroville - “The city the Earth needs”
The people living in Auroville seek to combine ancient wisdom with modern technology as a living laboratory, and develop practices that ensure Auroville’s resilience despite the many challenges.
This documentary focuses on one of the most pressing questions of the present crisis, how to achieve SDG6, how to achieve water security for all.
The movie presents 8 universal aspects of today’s global water crisis, and some of the good practices used in Auroville which also contribute to the aims of SDG6. We hope this video can bridge the top-down UN development goals with the grass-roots practices. By sharing & upscaling such practical solutions regionally & beyond we can emerge from this crisis.