A young office worker in Tokyo develops a mysterious narcoleptic condition after a traumatic memory from the past comes back to haunt her.
- Art Director
- Non-Fiction Film Director
- Line Producer / On-Location
Paris, France
$200 - $3000 / Day
Request QuoteShelby directed her first two short films in Japan, both of which have earned 14 official festival selections collectively and have won 6 festival awards. Now in Paris, she has written, produced, and directed various short films and has worked with Emmy award winning documentary filmmaker Jenn Molina on a feature. Her latest short, Neædra, which was in collaboration with silicone dress designer Joanna Pråzmo and two Central Saint Martin’s graduates, has already earned 10 official selections and an award. In addition, she completed a producing course in Lussas, France, Fondamentaux de la Production, with the acclaimed documentary film school, Ardèche Images. She was also selected for a development lab with Blake House Productions in London which is currently in the process of completing. Aside from filmmaking, she is also an experienced events producer who had produced and curated small to midscale events, including the International Female Filmmakers Showcase.
A young office worker in Tokyo develops a mysterious narcoleptic condition after a traumatic memory from the past comes back to haunt her.
An alien mermaid wakes up in the streets of Tokyo and returns home via a light portal.
When an alien soul from destroyed planet Merlershkö reincarnates into a human body, she finally remembers her past lives after a 2,000 year amnesic spell cast by her mother protected her from her memories.
Production Support