Produced for UNOPS
TB Active Case Finding
I worked with another cinematographer on the project. i shot mainly the b-rolls of this video.
- Documentary DP
- Sound Mixer
Yangon, Republic of the Union of Myanmar
$250 - $600 / Day
Request QuoteSai Kong Kham is a freelance filmmaker originated from Shan State, Myanmar. Since 2011, he has worked as a director, cinematographer and sound recordist for both local and international film projects. He has directed two award-winning documentaries - Sweetie Pie and This Land Is Our Land. Sai Kong Kham lives in Yangon, Myanmar.
Produced for UNOPS
I worked with another cinematographer on the project. i shot mainly the b-rolls of this video.
Produced for Tagu Films
A thriving forest in the Dry Zone is confiscated; drought leads to wood-cutting leads to drought as vicious cycle spins in another area; the Ayeyarwaddy eats away an island village that used to be prosperous; coal mines and landfills replace farmlands and villages in Tigyit (Shan State). As these farmers grapple with the changes of their land, they share their stories, thoughts, worries and hopes.
I worked on this video with another cinematographer. I shot mainly b-rolls in this video.
Production Support
Post Production