Produced for Step Together
Step Together. A Place of hope
Following Rudolf Steiner philosophy, Step Together association is more than a school for special needs students. It's actually an oasis of hope and love.
- Documentary DP
- Video Editor - News
$500 - $1200 / Day
Request QuoteRodrigue Zahr is a Lebanon based director, editor and photographer whose imaginative humanistic style is reflected in the documentation of exceptional events, products and people within his work. Zahr is the production manager and photography director at ELLE Oriental magazine but has worked for national and international firms such as Monocle magazine, LS:N Global, Louis Vuitton, Ladurée Paris, Swedish minister for international development cooperation, Bank Audi, Step Together and many more. Zahr is known for his discerning journalistic sensibility as well as the high speed with which he delivers projects. Lived in Venezuela for nearly 15 years, Zahr grew up within a highly creative household alongside brothers in the fashion and textile industries. With fluency in 5 languages Rodrigue is inspired by the exceptional and endeavours to tell the stories of those who are both masters and leaders of their art, craft or profession within his own distinct and aesthetically rich visua
Produced for Step Together
Following Rudolf Steiner philosophy, Step Together association is more than a school for special needs students. It's actually an oasis of hope and love.
Produced for Step Together
Step Together association is a non profit School and residence comunity for kids and adults with Special needs. They follow Rudolf Steiner philosophy and education methods. A unique place in the region.
during the last war on Gaza, I was asked to join UNDP officials for a tour in some gatherings and refugees camps in Sidon, Lebanon. Children and kids were learning and playing while their peers in Gaza were getting displaced or killed. We wanted to send a message of peace and hope to them and to the world.
Founded in 1967 by the late Andre Lala, Lala Chicken started as a 20 SQM family business restaurant in Achrafieh- Lebanon, to soon become “the” ultimate destination for grilled chicken lovers.
Produced for Monocle
This film is about A chef, a writer, philosopher and an entrepreneur.
Produced for ELLE Magazine
I went to Cuba to see if that notion of a coming change is real or showing some hints of happening. I came back with clear impressions that I'll try to evoke throughout this review. What you're going to see and read bellow is based on a photographer's point of view, more than that of a tourist. Hope you'll enjoy Cuba the way I saw it.
Production Support
Post Production