Profile photo of Filiz K.

Filiz K.

İstanbul, Türkiye

14 reviews

$75 - $1000 / Day

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Assistant Professor Dr Filiz Katman holds a BA in Economics (in English) from Istanbul University, an MA in Political Science and International Relations (in English) from Marmara University, a PhD in International Security and Terrorism from National Defence University (formerly Turkish Military Academy), certificates from Harvard University Humanitarian Assistance in Conflict and Disaster Program, Oxford University Pembroke College Changing Character of War Programme, Yale University Program on War, Conflict and Order, NATO International School, and NATO Centre of Excellence on Defence Against Terrorism. Currently, Dr Katman is Executive Board President at the Energy Politics and Markets Research Centre (EPPAM) since 2010 (founder of the first research centre on energy politics in Turkey), Editor-in-Chief at EPPAM Policy Brief, and Erasmus+ Coordinator of Department of Political Science and International Relations (in English) at Istanbul Aydin University. She is Senior Fellow at Centre for Syrian Studies and peer reviewer at Journal for Terrorism Research at University of St Andrews and also Management Committee Member of CA18228-Global Atrocity Justice Constellations COST Action representing Turkey and also member of working groups in COST Actions of the European Union titled CA16232-European Energy Poverty Agenda Co-Creation and Knowledge Innovation COST Action Working Group 1: Integration - Transformation the state of the art ve Working Group 2: Indicators – Developing an operational European energy poverty framework; CA17135-Constitution Making and Deliberative Democracy COST Action Working Group 2: Minority Groups and Deliberative Democracy, Working Group 3: e-Deliberative Democracy, CA19126-Positive Energy Districts European Network COST Action Working Group 1: PED Mapping, Characterisation and Learning, Working Group 2: Guides and Tools, CA18236-Multi-Disciplinary Innovation for Social Change (SHIINE) COST Action and CA15212-The Citizen Science COST Action, CA20107 - Connecting Theory and Practical Issues of Migration and Religious Diversity Working Group 1: Meta-study on the intersection between Religion and Migration, Working Group 2: Narratives of Migration through the Lenses of Religious/Non-Religious Beliefs, Working Group 3: Design of Practice-Oriented Research Projects, Working Group 4: Migration and Religious Diversity through the lenses of Gender and Age, Working Group 5: Communication and Dissemination, CA20109 -Modular Energy Islands for Sustainability and Resilience, CA20138 - Network on Water-Energy-Food Nexus for a Low-Carbon Economy in Europe and Beyond. She works as researcher in Analysis of Countering Terrorism Financing Policy of Turkey, Countering Terrorism Financing Project and Challenges and Opportunities to Maritimes in Global Energy Security, Good Practices in Counter Terrorism Maritime Domain Project run by NATO COE-DAT. She is recipient of several awards and scholarships in both the domestic and international arenas, and has published several articles and books on terrorism, security, political violence, cyber threats, cyber security, countering terrorism financing, energy policy, energy security, Syria, Eurasia and NATO. She is regularly consulted by BBC World News due to her expertise, and is Editor for National Security and Physical Geography at Editorial Advisory Group of Cambridge Scholars Publishing, a Member of TUBITAK Academic Research Funds as Observatory Panelist, TOBB (The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey) Istanbul Women Entrepreneurs Council, Executive Board of Energy Business Council at Foreign Economic Relations Board-DEIK and Honorary Advisory Board Member at Foreign Energy Investors Council.

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