Produced for IRIN News
As displacement runs to years, northern Iraq camps need an overhaul
As displacement runs to years, northern Iraq camps need an overhaul
- Reporter / Journalist
Beirut, Lebanon
$100 - $500 / Day
Request QuotePesha Magid is a freelance journalist currently working out of Baghdad. She previously spent two years freelancing from Istanbul. Before that she worked at Mada Masr, an independent Cairo-based newsite, for over two years. She’s written about refugees, gender and politics among other subjects. Pesha has also reported from Tunisia, Ethiopia, Kenya and Zanzibar. Her work has been published in the Guardian, Foreign Policy, The New York Review of Books, the Daily Beast, and PRI among other publications. She loves to experiment with reporting and likes to combine illustration, video and audio with her writing. Pesha speaks and reads Arabic and basic French and Spanish and is proficient with Final Cut, Photoshop and Hindenburg. When not reporting, Pesha can be found spending way too much money at bookstores because she refuses to buy a kindle. She is available for assignment.
Produced for IRIN News
As displacement runs to years, northern Iraq camps need an overhaul
Turkey has one queer choir. This is the story of how they banded together against an increasingly authoritarian regime.
Feature on the transgender community in Egypt. Transgender women in Egypt are systematically targeted by the government. This piece documented their stories, which are frequently underreported despite the fact that over 100 LGBTQ people, mostly, transgender women were arrested in 2015 alone.
Produced for Deutsche Welle
When US troops invaded Iraq in 2003, they took control of a heavily fortified area of Baghdad once home to regime headquarters, and made it off-limits to the majority of the public. For many it has long been a painful reminder of the invasion, but now parts of it have been reopened. DW's Pesha Magid went to explore.
Produced for Euronews
In the aftermath of the assassination of Iraqi Instagram star Tara Fares, we documented the Iraqi influencers who are still carrying on today.
In 2016 over 100 refugees died off of the North Coast of Egypt. The boat they were in sank slowly and was near to shore. From the beginning people on the boat were calling the coast guard who ignored them even as the calls got more and more desperate. This story reveals fatal negligence that resulted in the deaths of hundreds.
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