Profile photo of Mfanukhona N.

Mfanukhona N.

$15 - $45 / Day

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I am a journalist aged 44, based in the Kingdom of Swaziland in Africa. Swaziland is a landlocked country, largely sandwiched by South Africa and bordered on the East by Mozambique. I have been writing news on politics, human rights, humanitarian and corruption for the past 20 years. I am currently a senior journalist for the Sunday edition of the Times of Swaziland, an independent newspaper established in 1889. I traveled to the US in 2008 to attend an Edward R. Murrow Fellowship for Journalists. In this fellowship i gained an insight of how the media operates in the United States. I visited the White House, Newseum and Capitol. I was voted an overall best reporter in Swaziland in 1997 and further received an award from the World Food Programme (WFP) for excellence in Humanitarian Crisis Reporting. One of my recent best stories is an exposure of an attempt to arrest a judge of the High Court for corruption but the move was halted by King Mswati III because the judge is related to him

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