April • 2019
Aditi was great. Very thorough and organized. A good producer and shooter as well. Would definitely work with her in the future.
Berlin, Germany
5 reviews$300 - $1000 / Day
Request QuoteI'm a filmmaker living in Berlin, Germany. My work concentrates on science, wildlife and conservation and I enjoy working on nuanced human stories in changing social and political landscapes.
April • 2019
Aditi was great. Very thorough and organized. A good producer and shooter as well. Would definitely work with her in the future.
Produced for OZY
The vivacious Sunita Dhairyam lives on an idyllic plot of farmland outside Bandipur Tiger Reserve, and puts her heart and soul into protecting the magnificent animals that live within
Produced for Great Big Story
Populations of the only swimming camels in the world - the Kharai camels - have been drastically declining in the northwest of India. The picturesque green mangroves lie on the edge of vast salt flats that have become dotted with oil refineries, factories and ports. The camels are gentle reminders of a simpler time, as they elegantly swim between salty islands, their tribal herders right beside.
Produced for Discovery Digital Studios
I write a few pieces every month for Discovery.com via Scripps
Produced for Voice of America
Bylakuppe is the largest Tibetan monastic settlement outside Tibet, over 1600 miles away. Studded with golden domes and lined with colorful fluttering prayer flags, the town houses over 70,000 Tibetans, who first arrived in the ‘60s fleeing Chinese persecution - and it’s only growing. Children especially escape occupation to come to Bylakuppe and find solace in the company of older monks.
Produced for Voice of America
Bylakuppe is the largest Tibetan monastic settlement outside Tibet, over 1600 miles away. Studded with golden domes and lined with colorful fluttering prayer flags, the town houses over 70,000 Tibetans, who first arrived in the ‘60s fleeing Chinese persecution - and it’s only growing. Children especially escape occupation to come to Bylakuppe and find solace in the company of older monks.
Produced for Deutsche Welle
Water levels in Bengaluru are getting dangerously low. With so much concrete around, there’s not enough rain water seeping into the ground. Enter the well-diggers. With their know-how, they could things around.
Production Support