Profile photo of Alexandra R.

Alexandra R.

Padang Tengku, Pahang, Malaysia

$100 - $300 / Day

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Born in Romania, been working as a photojournalist for 9 years - 6 of them in Romania with a newspaper and the last 3 years as a freelancer in SE Asia. My work has been published with Anadolu Agency, Getty Images, The Guardian, Religion News Service, UNFPA, ECPAT International, AMAN International amongst others. Generally I cover social issues, environmental issues humanitarian and disaster situations anywhere in SE Asia and news in Malaysia where I am currently based. I speak English at a professional level, Indonesian and Malaysian at a conversational level.

Top Services

Editorial Photographer / Photojournalist
Reporter / Journalist


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  • DSLR Camera

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Production Support

  • Editorial Photographer / Photojournalist
  • Reporter / Journalist