Profile photo of Aaron L.

Aaron L.

Hoboken, NJ, USA

$200 - $300 / Day

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Writer, editor, researcher and photographer based in New York with extensive experience in West and Southern Africa. I write about cities, housing, digital media, fashion and African politics Recent bylines in Al Jazeera America, Quartz, Makeshift, Guardian, Globe and Mail, StreamDaily, Developing Smart Cities, Africa is a Country and Feet in 2 Worlds. I've written, edited and done research for a variety of publications including GOOD, Guernica, Toronto Star, Toronto Life, Adbusters, Xtra, Color, Masthead, Ricepaper, Outpost, Committee to Protect Journalists, This Magazine, Daily XY. An article I wrote for Ricepaper was anthologized in the book Canada's Best Essays 2012.

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Editorial Photographer / Photojournalist
Reporter / Journalist

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    • Editorial Photographer / Photojournalist
    • Reporter / Journalist


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