Profile photo of Wendy  L.

Wendy L.

Bronxville, NY, USA


My name is Wendy Llinas and I am very excited about the possibility of joining Storyhunter. I am a passionate storyteller and love to use video to tell interesting stories about people and the issues that make them tick. We have the unique opportunity to shed light on the inequity in the world without boring people to death. Hopefully, our stories motivate people to change the status quo and allow us to feel a stronger human connection. I also love telling stories about exceptional people because they inspire us to dream beyond our self- imposed limitations. Real- life heroes defyiing the odds are a necessity in a world filled with injustice. They remind us that the glass is half-full. Best, Wendy Llinas

Top Services

Documentary DP
Reporter / Journalist

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Production Support

  • Documentary DP
  • Reporter / Journalist


  • Translator