Profile photo of Beverly P.

Beverly P.

Staten Island, NY, USA


It is not unusual for my films to come out of my personal experience. A crucial component for me is to address what it is to be living at a certain moment in history. The Andre Show is the story of a young boy with AIDS my husband and I adopted shortly before he died during this global medical epidemic. 71 West Broadway: Ground Zero, NY is the street address of our loft located about 2 blocks north of the World Trade Center. I began filming that story from our doorstep during the terrorist attacks. The film follows the impact on us as well as the immigrant small business owners on our block as we all struggled to move back home after the evacuation of the Red Zone. Invisible Revolution captured a revealing interview with a young racist, Ben Smith, just 2 weeks prior to the deadly shooting rampage he went on in Indiana and Illinois before shooting himself. Among the stolen lives was the much beloved Ricky Birdsong, the former Northwest University basketball coach. This is the core of my voice as an artist in which my true collaboration is with the characters within my film.

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