FullMoon Babylon - Spring Blossoms
Shot and edited the promo video of the monthly event FullMoon Babylon, April edition, 2014, named Spring Blossoms.
- Documentary DP
- Video Editor - News
2596 CL Benoordenhout, Netherlands
$400 - $500 / Day
Request QuoteI was born in Athens, Greece, and after school I studied computer science and camera operating. From 2008 I have been working as a freelance videographer in Europe and across the Atlantic, as ENG/SNG crew member, but also on documentaries and theatrical/cultural/fashion events. I had the chance to focus on global issues such as the climate change but also to embrace and promote minorities rights. Always paying attention to the detail that makes the difference but never forgetting to see the whole picture. From February 2014, I am working with my personal company named ‘Soul Definition’, based now in The Hague. On my LinkedIn profile you can see references from professionals that I have worked with (https://www.linkedin.com/in/dimitrismeletis) and on my website you get a first-hand impression on my work in the past few years (http://dimitrismeletis.com/)
Shot and edited the promo video of the monthly event FullMoon Babylon, April edition, 2014, named Spring Blossoms.
The documentary "Another World" is presenting 15 grassroots initiatives in Greece that form another world right here right now, regardless of the crisis of the financial system.
Interview with the author, director and co-producer of the film "Impressions of a drwned man", Kyros Papavasileiou that was supported with my photography. It was successfully published at the major online portal tvxs.gr and was widely embraced by the public.
Produced for Ruptly
News reports that I filmed and delivered mainly to international news agencies (including Ruptly.tv & Zoomin.tv)
Production Support
Post Production