Sesame Workshop Bangladesh (SWB), the country office of Sesame Workshop, produces Sisimpur, the local version of world-famous children’s television program "Sesame Street" in Bangladesh. The TV show has been airing since April 15, 2005 with a view to making early childhood education delightful and enjoyable for Bangladeshi children. This program has been developed to address educational needs of children between the ages of 3 and 8. Along with the children, parents, care givers and teachers are involved in Sisimpur through different school and community-based intervention. SWB undertakes different school and community-based intervention to reinforce the messages aired through TV program. It develops and distributes school based educational materials, train teachers, monitors classroom activities and provides technical assistance for using them in the classroom along with community engagement and outreach programs.
- Immersive/Spatial Video Capture