After graduating from film school and before immersing myself in the documentary world, I began working as a correspondent for Associated Press Television at the age of 24. That journey included nearly 13 years of work and training in breaking news. I had the opportunity to cover stories in extraordinary places and meet fascinating people.
The genesis of my career was influenced by a family connection to journalism - I grew up hearing stories from my uncle Hermes, a war correspondent for NBC. He covered events such as the Gulf War, Sarajevo, El Salvador, Nicaragua and Cuba. His experiences inspired me to embark on my own travels and stories, much like he did.
As time went on, I gained more experience and realized that my destiny was not to cover wars and conflicts. My projects and concerns have always been related to social awareness, with a focus on making a positive impact on the audience. I began to search for the best way to use my passion and creativity to make films that truly make a difference.
In 2014, the combination of my Academy training in documentary and my curiosity for new ways of telling stories pulled me away from the breaking news cycle. I then adapted my journalism experience into a modern storytelling style that takes advantage of the often unique opportunities we have to get a shot that dramatically moves the story forward. As a documentary director and DOP, I'm constantly looking for artistic balance and social impact in my stories.
Based in Buenos Aires, Argentina, my projects demonstrate a deep concern and commitment to social issues and justice. Today I direct documentaries with a deeply personal approach and help others raise their voices. Combining teamwork and expertise, I work comfortable into sensitive stories which require strong visuals with limited budget and timing.