Profile photo of Fabian B.

Fabian B.

San Diego, CA, USA

$450 - $600 / Day


-Highly professional and talented Communication Specialist and Multimedia Journalist with extensive experience (over 8 years) in media and international communication companies as a communication specialist, social media editor and web content editor. -Extensive knowledge of Social Media and various software (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Hootsuite, Tweetdeck, CMS), implementing daily content while building and growing audience engagement. - Strong communication and interpersonal skills; work thrive in a team environment. Excel at working under pressure; able to accomplish multiple tasks simultaneously.

Top Services

Reporter / Journalist
Video Editor - News

Top Projects



  • 4K Camera

All Services

Production Support

  • Reporter / Journalist
  • News Shooter / Video Journalist
  • TV News Producer
  • Mobile Journalist / Livestreamer
  • Audio Storyteller

Post Production

  • Video Editor - News


  • Copywriter
  • Copy Editor
  • Fixer