Profile photo of MOHAMMAD S.


Amman, Jordan

8 reviews

$400 - $1000 / Day

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C.V Major General Pilot (R) Mohammad Ali Smadi Jordan Armed Forces (JAF) x x 00962772222723 Qualifications: a. Flying School Diploma - USA. b. Bachelor in Military Science - RJCSC. c. Master's Degree in Air War studies - Egypt. d. Master Degree in National Resources Strategy - USA. Assignment: a. Fighter Helicopter Pilot. b. Instructor Pilot. c. Fighter Flight Commander. d. Standardization/Evaluation Officer/Airbase (RJAF). e. Directing Staff/Instructor Royal Jordanian Command and Staff College RJCSC f. SO1 ops/ Directorate of Air Operations. g. Cadets Squadron Commander. h. Squadron Commander. i. Chief of Staff/ Special Operation Aviation Brigade SOAB/Joint Special Operation Command. j. PHRB Special Operation Aviation Brigade Commander (for 6 years). k. Deputy/Chief Instructor-Royal Jordanian Command and Staff College. l. The Commandant of the Royal Jordanian Command and Staff. College (for 3 years). m. Military Attaché in Bahrain

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