Produced for Voice of America
Editing news copies for VOA Bangla
- Copy Editor
Kolkata, West Bengal, India
13 reviews$20 - $2000 / Day
Request QuoteA journalist and a documentary film maker Sudarshana Chakraborty likes to see & explore the society as a whole through words & images. She is a development journalist & works in socio-economic sector with special focus on gender rights, labour rights & disability, intersectional discussion of gender with other social, political and economical issues is what attracts her to look for stories and articles. Having an experience of 20 years in journalism she is presently working with Voice of America - Bangla service. she is the team member of the news portal . A member of Network of Women in Media, India (NWMI) she contributed & continues to contribute regularly to national & regional News portals, newspapers, magazines like Down to Earth, Dainik Sambad (Trtipura), Ei Samay (West Bengal) Ei Samay Gold (podcast), CatchNews, News laundry etc. She is the Creative Head of a newly launched Bengali Podcast channel Kathaque. As a researcher, content creator, translator & having expertise in print & audio-visual documentation she has worked for & is involved with various organizations in the social sector. Some of the organizations include CREA, Sruti Disablity Research Centre, Pratyay Gender Trust, Sanhita, Praxis – Institute for Participatory Practices, South Asian Women in Media, Hummingbird Foundation, Know Your Neighbor and others. As a documentary film maker gender & human rights are her subjects of interest. Women living in refugee camps of Assam as victims of ethnic cleansing were the subject of her first documentary ‘Living to tell’. Women who are marginalized & fighters in lives are subjects of her documentaries like ‘Najirar Golpo (Najira’s Story)’, ‘Notun alor Disha…A new ray of hope’. ‘Ja Kichu Sada Kalo Noy’, ‘..& The Beats Go On’, ‘Alpo Jana Golpogulo’ are her documentaries on Transgender population. She as an individual was a part of the international movement against gender-based violence ‘One Billion Rising’ & has a documentary ‘Kolkata Rising 2015’ on the same. She made a documentary ‘Sustho Writukal Amar Adhikar’ on the menstrual health of adolescent girls. Her documentaries were screened at Calcutta International LGBTQIA+ Film & Video Festival DIALOGUES, Film & Video festival, Kashis Film Festival, Dhaka International film festival, Youth Spring Film Festival Kerala, University of IOWA, University of California, Chicago, Ashoka University, Jinadal University, JNU.
Produced for Voice of America
Produced for Voice of America
Produced for Voice of America
Produced for Voice of America
Produced for Voice of America
Produced for Voice of America
Production Support