Produced for Anjunadeep
It Fades Away
music video
- Non-Fiction Film Director
- Production Company
Los Angeles, CA, USA
$300 - $1200 / Day
Request QuoteI'm a freelance writer-director-editor in Los Angeles, with deep training in working with cinematographers and actors. I can bring your project to the right production company. I know excellent crew. I'm a good fit for projects that need any of the following: • beautiful or unusual cinematography • writing and concept help • a handmade/indie feel • humor • performances from actors • helping company representatives be natural on camera I can work as local in Las Vegas, and potentially in San Diego, Northern California, Oregon and Washington.
Produced for Anjunadeep
music video
music video – password available on request
promotional video for dance company
Industry-specific promotional and explainer for a medical invention.
narrative reel of microbudget projects
Production Support
Post Production