Profile photo of Bryce F.

Bryce F.

Harrisburg, PA, USA

$1000 - $1600 / Day

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Indefatigable, gregarious, and a born raconteur, I found my love of story around the dinner table with my father, a man of whom it is said, “never let the facts stand in the way of a good story.” But I believe getting to the truth of the matter through a well told story is what changes people’s hearts, connects us, and helps us see and understand the world. I’ve been entrusted with people’s stories through filmmaking and photography around the world for over twenty-five years. I’ve worked in: Bosnia, Palestine, Israel, Honduras, Haiti, Dominican Republic, The United Arab Emirates, Niger, Egypt, India, Kenya, Ethiopia, Malawi, Zambia, Uganda, Nigeria, Columbia, Congo, Eswatini, Madagascar, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Tunisia, Malaysia, Nepal, Tajikistan, Turkey, Slovakia, England, The Bahamas, Mexico, Paraguay, Benin, China, France, Bulgaria, Russia, The Philippines, and all over the United States. Along with my freelance work, I own Red Dirt Short Films, with my wife, Jody.

Top Services

Non-Fiction Film Director
Field Producer
Documentary DP

Top Projects



  • 4K Camera

All Services

Production Support

  • Non-Fiction Film Director
  • Documentary DP
  • Field Producer