Profile photo of Dandy G.

Dandy G.

Los Angeles, CA, USA


I'm a filmmaker from the Los Angeles area and have been making video and film pieces, short films and music videos for the past 9 years. I've also been in photography shows and have curated art shows. You can see my previous work @ I'm traveling across the United States for the next 3 months and am making videos based on sustainable/community focused businesses. As John Perkins the author of Hoodwinked wrote, " As consumers we have tremendous power." It's this notion that I want to share with others; by supporting local/sustainable businesses not only are you helping the community but your making a environmental/global impact that will have many great rewards in the years to come. I enjoy hearing stories of how sustainable businesses begin, and it's stories like these that I want to share with people who might not otherwise be exposed to the idea of "sustainable". It's inspiring to listen to the passion that people bring to their own business when they believe in what they're doing.

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  • Documentary DP